Dozens of soldiers killed in attack by Islamists in Niger

Islamist terrorists in the West African country of Niger have carried out one of the deadliest attacks on the military in years.

After the attack in the border region with Mali and Burkina Faso on Tuesday morning, 47 bodies of Nigerien soldiers were found, military and local sources confirmed to dpa in Niamey on Wednesday. In addition, 18 people were reported injured, 11 of them seriously. Several soldiers were also missing.

Niger's military government had initially spoken of 21 dead on state television.

According to the report, heavily armed fighters on motorbikes and in armoured vehicles attacked the outpost near Gothèye, around 80 kilometres from the capital Niamey.

Islamist terrorist groups are active in the tri-border region between Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso, one of the most dangerous regions in the world, and have pledged allegiance to the terrorist militias al-Qaeda and Islamic State.

According to the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED), at least 1,149 people were killed in the course of political violence in Niger in 2023, more than a third of them civilians. By the end of May this year, at least 710 people had already been killed.

Until a military coup in Niger in July 2023, international partners, including France and the United States in particular, helped the Nigerians to fight terrorism.

The German Armed Forces, the Bundeswehr, were also involved in training security forces in Niger. Like Mali and Burkina Faso, Niger is now increasingly turning away from former partners, in particular the former colonial power France, and towards Russia.