Ex-Republican reveals how Biden could 'bother Trump dramatically' at debate

(MSNBC screenshot)

Former Republican Rick Wilson thinks he's mastered the art of the troll and has the perfect recipe for Joe Biden to get under Donald Trump's skin.

Essentially, it's to out Donald the Donald.

"He should frame Trump," said Wilson, the co-founder of the anti-Trump super PAC Lincoln Project during an appearance on MSNBC's "The Reid Out." "He should say: 'Donald, you're not the same guy you were in 2020.'"

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Wilson believes one way to really rile up the 45th president and get him out of his debate game plan is to not be immune from name calling.

"He should call him Donald," Wilson said, essentially doing away with deference of the former president's title. "And it also bothers Trump dramatically when they call him 'Donald', 'Little Donald', or 'Wee Donald.'"

Coining unflattering sobriquets is one of Trump's signature counteroffensives.

Not only has Trump chastised Biden's stutter numerous times, he's consistently used and reused Biden monikers such as "‘Sleepy Joe," "Swampy Joe," "Slow Joe," "Beijing Biden," "Creepy Joe,” “Corrupt Joe," and "Crooked Joe."

He's recently called himself 'Honest Don."

Another tactic that is pure Trump kryptonite: calling out Trump's weaknesses.

Wilson suggested Biden "should say 'Donald you're a failure! You failed. I've led a strong administration. We've been stronger on jobs, national defense, and stronger on the border than you ever were. You were weak. You failed. You never did it. When we beat you —and we'll beat you again — you launched an attack on the Capitol.'

"Just drive hard on it."

And since they met face-to-face in 2020, the 45th president and presumptive Republican nominee has been found guilty of falsifying business records by covering up the hush money paid to a porn star who alleged a sexual relationship with him.

It's this fact that Wilson believes Biden must lean into.

He said the incumbent Democrat should tell Trump to his face about being unfit to be president because he's a felon.

Wilson said he should say "'You're a criminal. Convicted convicted felon with 34 counts. And frankly that's not who the American people want as president.'"

There should be no sugar coating.

"Drive it up to him," said Wilson. "The guy needs to be hit in the face. Bullies don't respond well to being punched in the nose."

One thing Biden should avoid is to try to choke the audience and his opponent with government pablum.

"Joe Biden can't go into this thing and think he's going to say 'Well you know paragraph 84 of the Inflation Reduction Act did this and this!' — he needs to say, has to say 'I won, you lost. I accomplished things you never could.'"

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