Broadstairs rapist who poses ‘significant threat’ to public jailed for 19 years

A rapist with a history of violence against women has been jailed for almost two decades after a judge said the risk he posed was "as clear as day".

James Golding stood impassively in the dock at Canterbury Crown Court as he was sentenced for attacks on two victims, including a teenager, that were committed just months apart.

Rapist James Golding, from Broadstairs, has been jailed for 19 years. Picture: Kent Police

During his trial, jurors heard - and watched - how the 43-year-old monster from Broadstairs even filmed some of his depravity.

One rape victim could be seen crying and pleading with him repeatedly to stop, while the second was subjected to further "degradation and humiliation" after being locked in a room, forced to strip naked, plied with alcohol and drugs and told she was his "subordinate".

At one point during her ordeal, a debauched Golding even phoned a friend to invite him to join in.

He denied two charges of rape, one of false imprisonment, one of assault by penetration and three of assault causing actual bodily harm (ABH) but was found unanimously guilty on Monday of all but one offence of ABH.

A haunting statement from one rape victim detailed what prosecutor Hannah Llewelyn-Waters said was the "level of destruction" and "life-changing" impact Golding had inflicted upon her.

The court heard she had been left in fear of being alone, could not sleep and struggled with even the most basic day-to-day activities such as getting out of bed and dressing.

Describing how she could see her attacker's face and "horrible" expression every time she closed her eyes and would often wake, gasping for air, the woman wrote: "I don't know how I'm still alive. In that moment I thought I was going to die.

"I can't sleep and can't even rest and close my eyes because what happened comes straight into my head.

"I want to reverse time so that this has not happened.

“I want the old me back, not this sad, depressed person I don't recognise any more.

James Golding was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court

"The sad thing is the people I love and care about have witnessed this. I cannot hide it."

She also described how she initially - and wrongly - blamed herself and felt unable to report it to police.

But she added the thought of him subjecting another woman to a similar ordeal soon compelled her.

"I now know it wasn't my fault. I didn't ask for this and then I thought what if he did it to someone else... I wouldn't be able to live with myself," she continued.

"I still have sleepless nights. I still see his face over me as I close my eyes. I still wake gasping for air. I ask myself what life do I have?

"I want my life back, I want my dignity back. I was violated in every way possible for his satisfaction.

"I don't want revenge. I just want him to realise what he did to me and my family. I want him to realise the consequences his actions have had on me.

"I'm left with this forever. I just want closure."

The rape of his younger victim in November 2021 only came to light following his arrest for the attack in March 2022.

Although the teenager was said to have since "disengaged" with court proceedings, her initial account to police coupled with Golding's recording provided the proof of his attack on her.

"You are an entrenched abuser and the risk is as clear as day..."

The court heard that among his 14 previous convictions spanning 17 years are offences of assault, arson, harassment and breaches of non-molestation orders, all committed within the context of relationships.

He was also said to have cautions for assaulting his mum.

Golding, of Queens Road, was said to pose a "significant risk" to the public and was therefore handed a 23-year extended sentence.

This comprises 19 years' imprisonment, of which he will have to serve at least two-thirds before he can apply for parole, and then once released, a further four years will be added to any licence period.

Jailing him, Judge Simon Taylor KC said one victim had been subjected to a "quite prolific and prolonged incident of humiliation, violence and sexual degradation" while the other, despite initially consenting to sex, had made her wishes "very clear" within just a few minutes, only for her protestations to be ignored.

Stating that an extended sentence was required to provide the necessary protection, the judge added: "You are an entrenched abuser and the risk is as clear as day."

Golding, who has been in custody since his arrest two years ago, must sign on the sex offender register indefinitely.