'Dumbest criticism ever': Nancy Mace mocked for raising alarm over Biden debate vitamins

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) arrives to the U.S. Capitol on April 30, 2024 in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Kent Nishimura/Getty Images)

Rep. Nancy Mace believes President Joe Biden has a nefarious plot to unfairly defeat former President Donald Trump in Thursday night's upcoming debate: vitamins.

Mace (R-SC) raised the alarm about this terrifying prospect during a Newsmax interview shared on X Thursday morning.

"How much Adderall are they gonna give him?" Mace asked. "How many vitamins is he gonna be on?"

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Trump and his fellow conservatives have been floating the idea for days that Biden will be using performance-enhancing drugs during the debate.

Political analysts suggest Trump fears his attacks on Biden have lowered the bar the president must clear to win, and is trying to prepare his base for his own defeat.

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"There is no evidence that Biden has used or plans to use performance-enhancing drugs," writes Washington Post political reporter Hannah Knowles. "But Trump and his supporters have spread the baseless claim widely."

Mace appears to be the first to have moved the conversation toward vitamins. When her name trended on X Thursday afternoon, the nutritional supplements featured prominently.

"Repubs like Nancy Mace are claiming President Biden will be given 'vitamins' before the debate," wrote humorist Paul Rudnick. "I once took some potassium and a Centrum Silver and I woke up in Vegas two days later married to a flight attendant."

"So Nancy Mace thinks vitamins are wrong?" wrote @JoyceSmileBig. "I hope you guys see what I am seeing."

"How many 'vitamins'? Really?" asked public health activist Irwin Redlener. "Nothing personal, Nancy, but that is one of the dumbest criticisms ever made against someone, no less a person running for high office. Do you think that people who take vitamins are not qualified? You have outdone yourself. Even the crew over there must be laughing their butts off."

"Don’t forget your vitamins!" replied X user Maggie May. "According to the dumb--- @NancyMace that’s going to give Biden an edge over their koolaid Jesus."

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