Belarusian diplomat commits suicide: Media reports mention torture by State Security Committee

Photo: Former Belarusian ambassador to Germany, Denis Sidorenko (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus)

Former Belarusian ambassador to Germany, Denis Sidorenko, has committed suicide. He jumped from a high-rise building in Minsk, Nasha Niva reports.

According to the source, the suicide occurred on June 23, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus only announced Sidorenko's death today after the information appeared in independent media. However, the ministry did not provide any details about the tragedy.

Sidorenko served as Belarus's ambassador to Germany from 2016 to 2024. He was dismissed from this position by a decree from the country's self-proclaimed president, Alexander Lukashenko, on March 11 of this year. He did not receive a new position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Sources told Nasha Niva that after returning from his diplomatic mission in Germany, Sidorenko became the focus of the State Security Committee (KGB). According to them, the former ambassador "constantly underwent polygraphs and interrogations."

"He probably couldn't handle what was happening," suggested an informed source.

Nasha Niva also notes that all career diplomats from Belarus returning from the EU are currently subjected to thorough operational scrutiny by the security services.

In November 2022, Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei passed away. The probable cause of death was suicide.