Doctor's tips for staying cool during a heatwave will save your life this summer

Due to climate change, heatwaves are becoming more common and extreme, so it’s important to know how to deal with them.

A doctor has shared some useful tips that will help you survive extremely hot weather when you don’t have any air conditioning.

Woman uses hand fan to cool down when summer heat wave hits the city.

Doctor’s tips for staying cool during a heatwave

Dr Bhavini Shah, GP at LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor, has revealed seven tips for staying cool in a heatwave.

1. Slow down

“In general, avoid too much physical activity when it’s hot as this can lead to dehydration, heat exhaustion, or heatstroke,” she said.

Slow down and avoid strenuous outdoor activities like gardening, DIY and sports. Or, try to get them done in the morning or evening when it’s cooler.

2. Stay out of the sun

It sounds obvious, but avoiding direct exposure to the sun during the peak hours of the day is very important.

Shade can reduce how hot you feel by more than 10°C, and you can create shade inside your home by covering windows.

3. Keep your home cool

Rather than trying to cool down the whole house, prioritise one or two rooms. When cooking, avoid using the oven or hob and turn off any electrical equipment that is not in use.

You should open the windows when the air feels cooler outside than inside and shut them again during the hottest part of the day to keep the warm air out.

4. Drink plenty of fluids

One of the biggest risks of hot weather is dehydration, so it’s important to drink plenty of fluids. Hot and cold drinks will both help maintain your core temperature.

Water, sports drinks, water-filled fruits and vegetables like strawberries and cucumber, soups and stews are all great rehydration options.

Early warning signs of dehydration include feeling thirsty and lightheaded, dry mouth, tiredness, dark-colored urine and passing urine less often than usual.

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5. Be aware of fans

The first thing we do in hot weather is switch on a fan, but fans won’t actually cool you down during a heatwave.

“If the temperature reaches 40˚C, The WHO recommends against using electrical fans because at this temperature, fans will heat rather than cool the body,” the doctor said.

6. Wet your skin

Heat escapes through the skin, which is the largest organ in the body. So, the more you can cool your skin down in hot weather, the better.

“A cool shower is a good option, or wearing a wet T-shirt can be effective. Even putting your hands or feet in cold water can quickly cool you down,” she advised.

7. Sleep downstairs

It can be a struggle to sleep during hot weather, but moving your sleeping location during a heatwave could be the answer.

Heat rises so if your home is on more than one level, sleeping downstairs where it is coolest may be a clever hack.

Heat exhaustion vs heat stroke

The heat can seriously impact your physical health and lead to two conditions: heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

“Heat exhaustion occurs when the body loses excess water, salt, and sugars through sweating,” Dr Shah explained. “It can be treated by having plenty to drink, keeping out of the sun, and taking steps to cool down.”

Symptoms of heat exhaustion include headache, dizziness, confusion, feeling sick, sweating, cramps in the arms, legs, and stomach, fast pulse, high temperature and feeling thirsty.

Heat stroke is far more serious and occurs when the body’s temperature becomes dangerously high, and it’s no longer able to cool itself. It can develop with little warning and can lead to someone becoming unresponsive.

Symptoms of heat stroke include confusion, headache, nausea, muscle cramps and paler skin than normal.

“If you think someone might have heat stroke, you must dial 999. While awaiting medical help, you can help them by moving them to a cool place and wrapping them in a wet sheet or clothing,” Dr Shah said.

Elderly people, babies and children, pregnant women, and those with chronic health conditions are particularly at risk from the heat.

Dr Bhavini Shah is a GP at LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor, and also works at a surgery in North West London. She completed her medical degree at University College London and GP training at Imperial College Hospital.