'Brilliant': Dystopian vision of what life could be like in GOP America lapped up online

"The Handmaid's Tale" AFP/File / ALEJANDRO PAGNI

A new ad released Thursday morning — hours ahead of the much-anticipated debate between the current and former president — left the internet in awe as viewers raved over its terrifying, poignant portrayal of a possible dystopian, GOP-led America with shades of "The Handmaid's Tale."

The ad, paid for and released on X by the progressive political group "Way to Win," begins with two people in the front of a car kissing. The man steps out of the car, heads into a convenience store and tries to buy a pack of condoms.

Not so fast — under this possible Republican leadership, you can't just buy condoms.

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"ID please," the clerk said.

The surprised man replies: "You need an ID to buy condoms now?"

"It's a new legislation passed by Republicans in Congress after they voted against the Right to Contraception Act," she said. "I don't make the rules."

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In this new world, an ID isn't enough. She breaks out a clipboard, pen and checklist of invasive questions, such as will the condoms be used with a spouse? Is the buyer in a "committed, monogamous relationship," and "is this heterosexual copulation?"

"Do you like Taylor Swift?" the clerk asks. When the prospective buyer says he likes her "Eras Tour," the clerk frowns. "Mmmm. Sorry. You're not eligible to buy the condoms."

Befuddled, the man walks away. Text overlays a black box: "OK, so they haven't come for condoms...YET. But REPUBLICANS in Congress JUST BLOCKED the RIGHT TO CONTRACEPTION ACT."

The block allows states to threaten access to contraceptives, including condoms, IUDs and birth control pills.

The ad reverberated through X, with shaken users applauding the shocking picture.

"Brilliant dystopian video on what life under a Christofascist Trump administration will be," wrote @bskyresistance. "It should be shared far and wide."

"This is the message I have been screaming for over a year about. Spam this ad everywhere," replied @N1CKG_g.

"This is a little more spot on than I wish," said @BillMcSciFi.

"This is absolutely accurate \- the rules will be enforced more heavily on Black and brown people," wrote @weiwentg.

Watch the video below or at this link.

Watch the video at this link.