Daisetsu Mori no Gardens

Located on Hokkaido’s Taisetsu mountain range, Daisetsu Mori no Gardens comprises two interconnected gardens. With each having its own unique character, you’ll be able to get two experiences for the price of one.

Mori no Geihinkan

Photo by: PIXTA/ hiro cafePass through the gateway.

The first garden at Daisetsu Mori no Gardens is Mori no Gaihinkan. Trees and wildflowers populate this garden. Although the grounds have been carefully designed by Kozaburo Ryu, the atmosphere of this garden is intended to feel natural and timeless. Coming from the main entrance to Daisetsu Mori no Garden, you’ll pass through the Forest Gateway. Here, you’ll walk into the forest and the ever-darker greens that call the space home.

The Forest Carpet retains some of the vegetation that existed prior to the garden alongside the flowers and subtle colorful plants that have since been added. The Forest Living Room marries the idea of your personal home with the natural beauty of the Taisetsu Highlands. Situated at the other end of Mori no Geihinkan, the Forest Museum houses over 70 varieties of plant life found throughout Hokkaido. Stroll through this serene space and enjoy the peacefulness that comes with it.

Mori no Hanazono

Photo by: PIXTA/ H・東洋Sit among the flowers.

The second garden at Daisetsu Mori no Gardens is Mori no Hanazono, and it’s colorful. The garden has flowers from different parts of Hokkaido. Daisetsu Garden is one of the smaller zones that houses the alpine species. In the Seasonal Habitats area, you can see flowers that bloom throughout the year.

The Familiarity Garden allows visitors to touch the flowers and plants that reside there. The biggest space in the garden is Kamui Mintara, or Playground of the Gods. Here, plant life has free rein to capture the natural landscape of the prefecture. Furthermore, over 70 types of flowers blossom during the year in different areas of the gardens. In spring, check out the tulips and irises. Come early summer, spot Jacob’s Ladder and allium. By midsummer, there are delphiniums and roses, while asters bloom in autumn.

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