Ping pong players exhibit superior brain structure and function, study finds

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Can playing table tennis, better known as “ping pong,” lead to significant improvements in brain structure and function? New research published in the journal Brain Research suggests it can. Researchers discovered that table tennis players exhibit distinct patterns of brain activity and structural changes in the brain, including increased white matter integrity in regions associated with motor skills.

Table tennis is one of the world’s fastest open-skill sports, demanding players to quickly track and respond to the ball’s trajectory. This requires high levels of cognitive functions such as decision-making, visual attention, and executive function.

Previous studies have indicated that sports and skill training can positively impact brain function, but the specific effects of table tennis on brain structure and function remained unclear. The researchers wanted to explore whether these athletes exhibited unique neural characteristics and if these could be linked to enhanced cognitive abilities.

The study involved 20 national-level table tennis players, all of whom had been training for over six years. These athletes were compared to a control group of 21 healthy university students who had not received systematic motor skill training. The participants were aged around 22 years and were matched in terms of age and sex. Both groups underwent a series of brain scans using a 7-Tesla MRI machine, which provides high-resolution images of brain structure and activity.

The MRI scans focused on two key areas: functional connectivity, which examines how different parts of the brain communicate, and white matter integrity, which assesses the health of the brain’s communication pathways. The white matter was analyzed using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), a technique that measures the diffusion of water molecules in the brain to reveal microstructural properties. The researchers also conducted a series of attention tests known as the Useful Field of View (UFOV) test, which measures processing speed, divided attention, and selective attention.

The study found that table tennis players exhibited significant enhancements in both brain structure and function compared to non-athletes. Specifically, the players showed increased integrity in the white matter tracts of their brains, which are critical for efficient neural communication.

This was evidenced by higher fractional anisotropy (FA) and axial diffusivity (AD) values in several regions, including the left corticospinal tract and the superior longitudinal fasciculus. These findings suggest that the neurons in these regions have undergone beneficial changes, such as myelination or increased axon diameter, which enhance neural transmission efficiency.

Additionally, the table tennis players outperformed the control group in attention tasks. The researchers found a significant negative correlation between the AD values in specific white matter tracts and the UFOV scores, indicating that better white matter integrity was associated with superior cognitive performance. This suggests that the enhanced structural connectivity in the brains of table tennis players may contribute to their improved attention and processing speed.

Furthermore, the research highlighted unique patterns of dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) in the brains of the athletes. These players showed increased dFC in areas such as the hippocampus, cerebellum, and lingual gyrus, which are involved in memory, motor coordination, and visual processing. This dynamic connectivity, which changes over time, reflects the brain’s ability to adapt and reconfigure its neural networks in response to the demands of the fast-paced and complex movements required in table tennis.

The study’s limitations include a small sample size, which may restrict the generalizability of the findings, and the absence of novice table tennis players, making it difficult to determine how brain changes progress with different levels of training and experience. Future research could involve larger participant groups and include athletes at various skill levels to track neural and cognitive changes over time.

Nevertheless, the findings underscore the potential cognitive benefits of engaging in sports that require quick reflexes and high levels of coordination, suggesting that such activities may not only improve physical fitness but also boost mental agility and neural health.

“Our findings suggest that professional table tennis training may lead to plastic changes in white matter structure and functional connectivity in the brain, which could be related to the high demand for visual attention and information processing speed in table tennis,” the researchers concluded.

The study, “Long-term table tennis training alters dynamic functional connectivity and white matter microstructure in large scale brain regions,” was authored by Chanying Zheng, Yuting Cao, Yuyang Li, Zhoucheng Ye, Xize Jia, Mengting Li, Yang Yu, and Wenming Liu.

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