Raspy Biden rips Trump's 'greatest economy' remark: 'He's the only one that thinks that'

Donald Trump (Photo by Jeenah Moon-Pool/Getty Images) and Joe Biden (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

President Joe Biden slammed his rival on the debate stage on Thursday night during a discussion on the economy.

A raspy Biden launched into the debate telling CNN debate host Jake Tapper he inherited an "economy in free fall" and jabbed Trump's pandemic response — "just a little bleach in your arm."

"The economy collapsed. There were no jobs. Unemployment rose to 15 percent. It was terrible. And so what we had to do was try to put things back together again."

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After boasting of adding 800,000 new manufacturing jobs, he acknowledged there's "more to be done."

"He didn't do much at all," said Biden. "By the time he left things were in chaos."

Biden later seized on Trump's remark that America had "the greatest economy in the history of the country."

"Everyone was amazed by it, other countries were copying us," said Trump.

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He added: "Everything was rocking good," other than "that COVID mess."

Not so, said Biden.

"Well look, the greatest economy in the world, he's the only one that thinks that, I think. I don't know anyone else who thinks we had the greatest economy in the world."

Biden ripped Trump's famous tax cut — largest in history, which caused the largest deficit in any one term.

"He's the only president other than President Herbert Hoover who's lost more jobs than he had when he began," Biden said.

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