'I don't think that was good': Internet skewers Joe Biden for 'beat Medicare' debate lapse

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President Joe Biden was trying to defend his administration's effort to combat the COVID pandemic when he drew a blank.

"Making sure we make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with Covid, excuse me, with — umm — dealing with everything we had to deal with."

For several seconds, Biden appeared to cast his gaze down trying to find his train of thought.

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"Look, we finally beat Medicare," he said.

Biden seemingly was bailed out by CNN moderator Jake Tapper who said, "Thank you President Biden. President Trump?"

And former President Donald Trump was primed to swing.

"Well he's right. He did beat Medicare," he said. "Beat it to death."

He continued to rail against Biden for his Border policy.

"And he's destroying Medicare," he said. "All of those people coming in they're putting them on Medicare on Social Security. We're going to destroy Social Security. He's going to single-handedly destroy Social Security."

"Millions and millions of people coming and they're putting them on Social Security."

"When Biden said 'we beat Medicare,' I don't think that was good," wrote David Pakman.

"Putting Biden on debate stage was a god awful idea," reads a post by @heymistrcartr. "Like god awful. Beat Medicare??"

Tripp Whitbeck also saw a moment to pour it on Biden's "We finally beat Medicare."

"The whole room just gasped,"@RyanGirdusky tweeted. "We beat Medicare."

"WE BEAT MEDICARE," wrote @TheyTrulyHateU. "Biden's first brain fart."

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