Joy Reid Says Democrats Are ‘Approaching Panic’ By Biden’s ‘Extremely Weak’ Debate Performance

MSNBC's Joy Reid [Screenshot/MSNBC]

MSNBC host Joy Reid said Democrats are “approaching panic” over President Joe Biden’s “extremely weak” performance during the 2024 debate against former President Donald Trump.

Biden spoke with a raspy voice and trailed off from the questions during the debate, leaving members of his party and the liberal media in a panic.

“The universal reaction was somewhere approaching panic,” Reid said. “The people who were texting with me were very concerned about President Biden seeming extremely feeble, seeming extremely weak, and you know I’ll just reiterate what I said earlier. President Biden had one job tonight, and one primary job, and yes, it was to litigate President Trump’s criminality and all of those things, but he had to settle his own party. He needed to settle Democrats. Democrats, you know, they always talk about how Democrats are bedwetters and Democrats are always panicking.”

“Yes, Democrats are always panicking, they’re always scared, they’re always thinking they’re gonna lose,” she continued. “Democrats are very pessimistic, this is just who they are,” she added. “They’re neurotic. But, Joe Biden’s job was to reassure them tonight. His job was to calm his party to make them feel that yes, I can do this, I have four more years in me, I have the ability and the stamina and the strength to do four more years. He did not do that. He did the opposite of that.”

Reid said Democratic campaign operatives are veering toward a “full-fledged panic” and feel even more pessimistic by Biden’s debate performance. She said Biden passionately believes he is the only person to defeat Trump, but his party has lost faith in him.

“He knows that he has certain demographic strengths that Donald Trump cannot counter. He is the real working-class white guy who is actually Donald Trump’s base, so he knows how to talk to them. He believes that he is the only person that can do it. The problem is after tonight, his party doesn’t believe that,” she concluded.

Two aides for Biden rushed to the president’s defense by claiming he is suffering from a cold. His campaign did not mention his alleged cold before the debate began, according to Politico.

Polls have repeatedly shown voters do not believe Biden has the mental capacity to serve a second term. Members of his party and liberal media pundits have attempted to rush to his defense.