Reader’s letter: What about nation’s defence?

Considering that the defence of the realm is the first duty of government I was surprised that there was not one question about it at the Hustings held at Southwell Minister on Thursday.

With a bloody war raging in Europe are the public just not interested?

Or were the submitted questions carefully vetted to avoid defence spending and related topics including the plan for a new form of national service from being discussed by the candidates?


I would liked to have asked why none of the election campaign leaflets that I have seen, other than Robert Jenrick’s, listed defence spending as one of their national priorities.

I would agree that there is only so much that can be put on a leaflet but defence should not be a matter brushed under the mat.

I would not have let Robert Jenrick off on this as it was successive Conservative Prime Ministers that allowed our armed forces to be recklessly cut to the bone over recent years.

Seems HS2 was their priority.

It would have been interesting to hear his and the other candidates replies. — MARK ILES, Newark.