Spanish police beg for volunteers to join large-scale search for Jay Slater

Police in Tenerife have asked for volunteers to join a large-scale search for missing teenager Jay Slater.

The search will take place in Masca - a village where rescue teams have focused their efforts - on Saturday.

In a statement, police said: "The Guardia Civil prepares and coordinates a large search to find the young British man missing in the village of Masca.

"The collaboration of all those Volunteer Associations is requested: Civil Protection, Firefighters, etc., and even private volunteers who are experts in the abrupt search terrain.

Jay Slater

"The massive search will be carried out on Saturday, June 29th from 09:00."

The 19-year-old flew from Lancashire to the Canary Islands for a music festival but disappeared after he went to stay with people he met during a night out on June 16.

During his final call to his friend Lucy Law at 8am local time last Monday, the 19-year-old said his phone had only one per cent battery, he was thirsty and he did not know where he was.

His last location showed he was in the Rural de Teno Park - an area popular among hikers. He has not been seen since.

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