Microsoft reveals Brits are full of 'million-pound ideas'

New research from Microsoft has discovered 45 per cent of Brits believe they have come up with a "million-pound idea".

The study - which celebrates the launch of the latest Microsoft Copilot+ PC - found almost half of Britons are convinced they have come up with lucrative money-spinning schemes and inventions but they lack the time and confidence to follow through with it.

Psychologist Honey Langcaster-James gave some advice for those struggling to move forward with their grand plans, saying: "In a 24/7 world it’s no surprise that many people don’t have the headspace to explore their creative genius.

"By reframing your mindset, and acknowledging your barriers, you can overcome your blockers.

"It’s important we also make the most of the technology and tools around us. AI can be really useful for people, especially anyone who is extremely busy and struggling to juggle multiple life and admin demands.”

The research also found 70 per cent of Brits think they are creative, and 44 per cent consider themselves entrepreneurial, while it also revealed where they are mostly likely find inspiration with 29 per cent saying they come up with their best notions while relaxing, 25 per cent claiming it's while they are listening to music and 23 per cent say lightning strikes while they are day-dreaming. Another 23 per cent claim to have come up with their best ideas while browsing online.

It also found that despite coming up with potentially lucrative ideas two thirds of Brits said they find it "challenging" to articulate their plan while 30 per cent said they lack time and 29 per cent insisted they lack the confidence to move forward.

One in five also said the fear of failure also puts them off trying to bring their idea to life.

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