'Dems are missing the boat': Ex-GOP rep warns Americans 'will vote for the bad guy over the old guy'

Former Rep. Joe Walsh, WWTV Screengrab

“Never Trump” Republican Joe Walsh, who served in the House of Representatives as a Republican from Illinois, on Friday warned “good, loyal Democrats are missing the boat” in defending President Joe Biden after Thursday’s debate against Donald Trump.

Walsh took to Twitter on Friday to note he’ll vote for “whoever the Democrats nominate” — but argued “most people won’t.”

Speaking with CNN's Kate Boulduan, Walsh expanded on his tweet, arguing “our democracy is on the line.”

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“Our democracy is on the line,” Walsh said. “ Our county — I believe, and I think a lot of Democrats and Americans believe — cannot survive another four years of Donald Trump in the White House. Nothing else matters but keeping Trump out of the White House."

“The problem is Joe Biden last night, I think, conclusively showed that he can't defeat Trump," Walsh continued. "Nothing else matters. So if I'm a Democrat right now, I've got to find somebody who can beat Trump."

Walsh went on to compare Biden's performance with Trump's lies, but noted the media is only talking about one thing.

“Donald Trump for 90 minutes lied last night,” Walsh explained. “Every time Trump opened his mouth, he lied. And yet all we're talking about is Joe Biden, and Donald Trump still won that debate last night.”

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“So what does that say about Biden?" Walsh asked. "Look, this is really difficult, and this doesn't happen a lot. Joe Biden had one job to do ... he had one job: Show the American people he is not too old and he's up to the job."

"He failed at that," Walsh declared.

Walsh explained that one of his biggest problems with Trump is he’s “humanly incapable of putting the country's interests before his own.”

“Joe Biden has to demonstrate now, I think, that he's capable of putting the country's interests first and putting someone in there who can beat Trump," Walsh said.

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Boulduan then asked Walsh about comments made by Biden surrogate Gov. Josh Shapiro (R-PA), who told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Friday that Democrats need to stop worrying about Biden and “start working" on getting him reelected.

“I love Josh Shapiro and I wish Josh Shapiro where the Democratic nominee,” Walsh said. “I'm sorry, I’m always a little offended by this ‘stop worrying.’ I'm someone who literally — literally — believes the country would not survive another four years of Trump in the White House. So this is not worrying, this is real concern. And I think Josh Shapiro and all these good, loyal Democrats are missing the boat right now. Because a lot of Americans tuned in last night, a lot of undecided Americans — and I think there are a lot more undecided Americans in this race than people know — and they know Trump is an a******, but they worry about how … old Biden is. And they tuned in last night and — oh my god — Biden is too old! Undecided voters all came to that conclusion last night, and they'll vote for the bad guy over the old guy, I think, more times than not. That’s the real real concern.”

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