First boats. Now planes. Trump thinks planes with electric motors can't fly without sunlight.

“What happens if the sun isn’t shining while you’re up in the air?”

Trump’s rally speech in Chesapeake, Virginia, rivals the Las Vegas event where he spent the better part of two minutes musing about electric boats that might sink near a shark.

This is the muddled and vindictive mess, the wannabe dictator, the felon (34 instances), that the GOP thinks should be president.

To quote President Ronald Reagan, “just say no.”

You are unlikely to see this on “TV news,” whether cable or broadcast.

Just as CNN exhibited journalistic malpractice by not calling these out in real time. Mainstream political pundit focus on Biden, instead of Trump’s lies and obvious mental impairment, is equally appalling.

Have a listen:

There were only 15 questions (although some had a follow-up).

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