Watch: Biden Appears to Freeze Up During Jill's Speech in NC, Not Long After Bad Debate Performance

Allison Joyce / Getty Images

The Democratic Party has a monstrous credibility issue with its own voters now, given President Joe Biden's devastating performance Thursday night during the first 2024 presidential debate. Seeing was not only believing -- it was unifying and telling.

And what it told Biden voters and potential Biden voters was that Biden's day is over. The mask of lies he's been hiding behind, the one Republican voters have been talking about all along, finally fell off. The shell that remained smelled of a shadow government and deceit. This time, Democratic voters got their whiff.

Panicked for lack of immediate and feasible long-term recourse, the Democrats did the very thing that they know best. They lied and wickedly pushed their ailing candidate back out the door the very next day.

They paired him with his power-hungry wife. Either they'd win the party back its alleged credibility at a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, or simply buy time until a better plan could be conceived.

It was the latter that resulted.

Once again, Biden assumed a trance-like state as the first lady engaged in an impassioned speech about her husband's leadership of our nation since taking office in 2021.

Undoubtedly, she is earning her keep and staunch reputation as Biden's reliable frontman. She's a party girl for sure.

As Jill talked about her husband's strength, optimism and the many tragedies he has faced, it was her mention of his character against the backdrop of the president standing nearby, stiff as a board with an empty expression affixed to his face, that brought the irony to a whole new level.

If ever an exclamation point was placed on Biden's obvious inability to serve another term -- or frankly, even another minute -- it was at that particular moment. The danger that our nation is inviting at the hands of this charade speaks of how rogue our government currently is.

The enemy is within, and our lame-duck period started yesterday, despite what the first lady spent her time in North Carolina trying to convince viewers of. Even re-applying his mask with Super Glue failed to hide the obvious.

"I saw in him then the same character that I see in him today."

Collin Rugg, co-owner of Trending Politics, saw something dramatically different. He saw the exploitation of an elderly man by a supposed loved one and the horror of not knowing who actually is running the United States. He called out this evil on social media platform X.

"JUST IN: Joe stands awkwardly and looks completely lost behind his wife at a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina after his disastrous debate performance. Who is the real president here? According to a new debate poll conducted by YouGov, 43% of people thought that the former president won the debate while only 22% thought that Joe won."

JUST IN: Joe stands awkwardly and looks completely lost behind his wife at a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina after his disastrous debate performance.

Who is the real president here?

According to a new debate poll conducted by YouGov, 43% of people thought that…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 28, 2024

Additional comments on X, however, supported Rugg in his claim, including the following, "He has no idea where he is or what he’s doing. Bad look for Dems lol"

He has no idea where he is or what he’s doing. Bad look for Dems lol

— Bruce Ballou 🇺🇸 (@_BruceBane) June 28, 2024

Another addressed suspicion that Jill Biden has been the acting president in lieu of her spiraling husband, "Has Jill been running the show? Lord help us."

Has Jill been running the show? Lord help us.

— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) June 28, 2024

It is anyone's guess, just as it is what the Democrats are going to do from here.

The corner they've backed themselves into is a doozy, as their lost credibility doesn't make for an easy and inviting platform for any other viable and even appealing replacement candidate to successfully occupy.

A catastrophic alternative may be necessitated to temporarily prevent a Trump return in 2024 until the Democrats figure out how to make their retention of the White House permanent.