Kiss of Death: 10 Stars Who Hated Smooching Their Costars — From Alec Baldwin and Jennifer Aniston to Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner

30 Rock Official/YouTube; Movieclips/YouTube

Alec Baldwin and Jennifer Aniston on '30 Rock'

30 Rock Official/YouTube

Plenty of actors would line up to do an onscreen smooch session with the Friends beauty … but don’t include Alec Baldwin on that list!

"It was painful. I mean, every man who’s had to make out with her in TV and movies, I don’t know how they do it," said Baldwin.

Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze in 'Dirty Dancing'

Lionsgate Movies/YouTube

Jennifer Grey needed to retake a chemistry class! She didn’t think she had any of the smoldering sexual tension with Patrick Swayze that audiences obviously saw.

"I didn’t think we had chemistry. It’s a weird thing, though. It doesn’t have to do with whether you like someone or not. It’s just you either have it or you don’t," said Grey.

Colin Farrell and Kate Beckinsale in 'Total Recall'

Sony Pictures Entertainment/YouTube

Colin Farrell said making out with Kate Beckinsale was "a little bit dodgy" because her then-husband, Len Wiseman, was the film’s director and "wasn’t kind enough to leave the room. Being a director he had to watch the scene, which was a little bit creepy."

Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt in 'Passengers'

Sony Pictures Entertainment/YouTube

Jennifer Lawrence got drunk before her "first real s-- scene," which felt "really weird" and "bizarre" with Anna Faristhen-husband, Chris Pratt.

She said, "It was going to be my first time kissing a married man, and guilt is the worst feeling in your stomach. And I knew it was my job, but I couldn’t tell my stomach that."

Emma Watson and Rupert Grint in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2'

Warner Bros. Pictures/YouTube

Best friends since age ten who grew up on camera, Emma Watson saw Rupert Grint as "a sibling" and locking lips "felt wrong on every level."

She added, "Obviously us kissing was the most horrifying thing either of us have ever had to go through."

Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner in 'Twilight'


Kristen Stewart had to kiss good friend Taylor Lautner as well as her own real-life boyfriend at the time, Robert Pattinson, so it was pretty clear which of her two leading men Bella preferred locking lips with.

But her reasoning had even deeper meaning … she felt kissing Lautner "was so against everything Bella’s always been."

Liam Hemsworth and Jennifer Lawrence in 'Hunger Games'

Lionsgate Movies/YouTube

Hunky Liam Hemsworth despised bussing on Lawrence because she was a great pal, and she used "chemical warfare" against him!

"Anytime I had to kiss Jennifer was pretty uncomfortable. She’s one of my best friends, I love her, but if we had a kissing scene she would make a point of eating garlic or tuna fish or something that was disgusting," he said.

Dane Cook and Kate Hudson in 'My Best Friend’s Girl'


The costars loved pulling pranks on each other during the film, and it came back to bite Dane Cook! Before every kissing scene, Kate Hudson made sure to chomp on plenty of raw onions to gross out Dane, who later admitted it was his "worst on-screen kiss ever."

Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson in 'Water for Elephants'

20th Century Studios/YouTube

Many gals would love to kiss Pattinson, but Reese Witherspoon would rather snot!

"Rob possibly had the most hideous horrible cold of any costar I’ve ever had to do a love scene with ever in my entire life. He was literally snorting and snotting through every second of it — and it was not appealing. I’m talking green, infectious, disgusting," she shared.

Kirsten Dunst and Brad Pitt in 'Interview with the Vampire'


At age 11, Kirsten Dunst played a never-aging vampire who found smooching Brad Pitt to be the Pitts!

She said, "I was a little girl and he was like a brother to me, and it was very weird even though it was a peck. I was very not into it. It was weird and gross."