Nigel Farage REFUSES to join political show as he demands apology from 'biased' BBC

Nigel Farage is refusing to appear on the Laura Kuenssberg show until he receives an apology from the BBC for their "dishonest Question Time audience".

BBC Question Time was branded “appalling” after being accused of showing "cynical bias" as the Reform leader faced a grilling from a "ripped audience" less than week before polls open on July 4.

Farage wrote on social media: "I have just been invited to appear on Laura Kuenssberg. I’m refusing until the BBC apologises for their dishonest QT audience.

"Our state broadcaster has behaved like a political actor throughout this election.

"Reform will be campaigning vigorously to abolish the license fee."

It comes after the Reform UK leader was asked about Channel 4’s undercover report into controversial comments made by Clacton campaigners for the first half of his appearance.

The second section focused on Farage’s stance on immigration but the Brexit stalwart failed to receive applause from the audience in Birmingham.

Responding to Question Time’s final leaders' special, conservative commentator Connor Tomlinson said: “This Question Time is appalling. They've packed out the entire audience with people shouting at Nigel Farage and calling him a racist.

“Every question is identical and tiresome If I believed Ofcom would uphold impartiality standards against the BBC, I would complain about bias.”