'Loyalty to an orange Jesus': Dem rep warns Trump would 'hand the keys to white supremacists'

Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) on MSNBC on June 29, 2024 (Image: Screengrab via MSNBC / YouTube)

A Democratic member of Congress issued a stark warning on how former President Donald Trump would fundamentally remake the federal government into an army of toadies if elected to a second term in the White House.

During a recent interview with MSNBC host Ali Velshi, Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) dismissed concerns over President Joe Biden's debate performance and said the stakes were too high for Democrats to force the president out of the campaign. Crockett said Biden was "50,000 times better than Trump" when comparing his record to his predecessor.

"iI is so wild to me and it has been quite annoying if i am going to be perfectly honest, that Democrats get into a frenzy. it is almost like we are scared of our shadow sometimes," she said. "I think it's because we understand the stakes."

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Velshi then elaborated on the stakes of the 2024 election, and mentioned the far-right Heritage Foundation's "Project 2025" playbook. He referred to Trump as a "useful idiot" who would leave the minutiae of policy to others within his administration, and the "super conservative establishment" who would "give him the policy."

This prompted Crockett to note that one major plank of Project 2025 is an executive order that would allow a president to radically transform the federal civil service into an army of political lemmings. She contrasted Biden's style of leadership with Trump's likelihood to staff federal agencies with far-right activists.

"They do want to install loyalists. They don't want those government workers like my mama, who has always worked for the federal government as long as I could remember; the people who have the institutional knowledge to make sure they can carry our country forward and they work under whichever administration, Democratic or Republican," she said. "They don't swear their loyalty to an orange Jesus."

"He has no plan, he never has had a plan and the only plan he plans to follow is the manifesto that has been laid out in Project 2025, that believes that believes that [diversity equity and inclusion programming] is the end of us. that means people like me, people of color, women, that is a problem for them. they want to excommunicate us," she added. "They are trying to give the keys over to the white supremacist, as we also saw the supreme court to do earlier this week, as it relates to the insurrectionist."

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So far, Biden's team has vowed to stay in the race despite mounting calls for him to end his campaign. His supporters have also been vocal in their criticism of his detractors, like the New York Times, whose editorial board recently issued a call for him to bow out.

The next scheduled debate between Biden and Trump is in September, and both candidates have said they plan to attend.

Watch Crockett's segment below, or by clicking this link.

READ MORE: Expert warns Trump's plan to pack government with allies will have 'nasty consequences'

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