Israeli Air Force says it launched airstrikes on Hezbollah position

Thick smoke billows following an Israeli rocket attack on the outskirts of the southern Lebanese village of Dhaira. Marwan Naamani/dpa

The Israeli Air Force says it has once again attacked a position of the pro-Iranian Shiite Hezbollah militia in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah's military infrastructure was attacked during the night, Israel's army announced on Sunday morning. It was not stated whether there were any deaths or injuries. The information could not initially be independently verified.

Since the beginning of the Gaza war in October, Israel has been engaged in daily exchanges of fire with Hezbollah in the border area with Lebanon.

The militia has declared that Israel must completely end the war in Gaza against its ally, the Palestinian Islamist Hamas movement, before it stops firing on Israel.

The intensity of the fighting has recently increased significantly. There are fears that a possible open war between Israel and Lebanon could escalate into a regional conflict.

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