Attorney General Platkin tries to take down Norcross | Sheneman

I can't wait until he starts pounding his chest.

This should be interesting. State Attorney General Matt Platkin is going big game hunting. His quarry is South Jersey power broker/party boss/guy who has never been elected to anything, George Norcross.

Platkin isn’t the first try his luck in the land of Norcross. Ol’ George has been big-footing his way through Trenton and South Jersey my entire adult life and nobody, not even the feds, have been able to stop him. Has Platkin divined some new information that makes him think he can nail Norcross on the notoriously hard-to-prosecute charge of racketeering? I hope so, because if not, Norcross is the kind of guy who can make life extremely uncomfortable for a public servant. In fact, he’s already started.

Platkin recently had a press conference to announce the charges, and you’ll never guess who was in the front row. Yes, you will, it was Norcross. Scowling, defiant Norcross. Side note: How’d he get a front row seat? Did he show up super early? Did someone save it for him? It was a fairly crowded affair, how’d George get all that prime real estate? I digress.

One thing is clear, Platkin has quite the task in front of him, and even though Norcross prefers to operate via the backrooms, he doesn’t do so quietly. He’s not afraid to scream at governors, legislators or anyone else who dares defy him. And if his press conference pageant was any indication, he plans to continue airing his grievances publicly.

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