Razzamataz Theatre School in Newbury runs its first Parents Do Razz event to great acclaim

Parents were the stars of the show as a Newbury theatre school turned the tables, writes Grace Clift.

Razzamataz Theatre School ran their first ‘Parents Do Razz’ event last month, and it was hailed a success by everyone who took part.

photos by Dan Ledwith

Held at the Phoenix Resource Centre, 11 parents demonstrated hidden talent in acting, singing and dancing, culminating in a showcase at the end of the day.

The event was led by Debbi Ledwith and Ayeisha Dore-Ricchardson, and was watched by the mayor of Newbury, Andy More, and his wife the lady mayoress.

photos by Dan Ledwith

The atmosphere was described as “electric”, as parents took to the stage to engage with the joy of performing arts.

Profits from the day went to a local charity, and the final curtain call was met with a standing ovation.

photos by Dan Ledwith

The event’s success hints towards the creation of a new tradition Ms Ledwith said and the mayor and mayoress were said to have been “captivated by the enthusiasm and skill displayed by the performers”.

The mayor’s presence underscored the importance of community events in fostering local talent and promoting cultural engagement and he praised the initiative, highlighting the importance of the arts for all ages.

“On top of this, it was fantastic for students to see their parents doing what the children usually do every Saturday at Razz,” added Ms Ledwith.

“It’s a wonderful way to bond and show children that it’s never too late to pursue your passions.”

Helen, one of the performers, said that the event was “lots of fun” and everyone attending was lovely.

“I learnt a lot about myself, most of which took me very much by surprise,” she added. “A huge thank you to Debbi and Ayeisha.”

photos by Dan Ledwith
photos by Dan Ledwith

Another performer, Alison, added: “Thank you for running the parents workshop. Razz gives so much to the young people and it was great to share in some of the magic. Debbi and Ayeisha are fantastic: patient, helping us to get better and keeping fun front and centre.”

Organisers said the hope is that it will become a regular event, inspiring more parents to step out of their comfort zones and explore the enriching world of performing arts.

It was clear that ‘Parents Do Razz’ had left a lasting impression on all who attended, with principal Ms Ledwith adding: “We are already looking forward to the next one.”