Parliamentary recess extended by one week

“The Rada [parliament] has postponed its session for one week,” said Zheleznyak.

“The stated reason is the [upcoming] NATO summit, but the real reason is somewhat different. I advise everyone to recall the Speaker’s words about personnel rotations in the government... It feels like it's going to be much more than just appointing a couple of ministers.”

According to RBC-Ukraine, the session was postponed to allow more time to finalize personnel changes in the Cabinet. The session will now open on July 15.

On June 29, Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk announced that the parliament would soon address personnel matters concerning the Cabinet of Ministers.

“I am convinced that Parliament will return to personnel issues shortly,” Stefanchuk said at the time.

“Our task is to fill the government [vacancies]. The government must function effectively and professionally, and there need to be people responsible for their areas.”

On May 9, the parliament dismissed Oleksandr Kubrakov from his position as Infrastructure Minister. On the same day, Mykola Solskyi was dismissed from his position as Minister of Agrarian Policy after the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine charged him with corruption.

Read also: Mykola Solskyi ousted as Ukraine's agriculture minister amid NABU’s land seizure probe

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Section: Nation

Author: Eric Malinowski