Tiny heroes detect Angola's landmines - The latest from dpa features

Angola is one of the world's most heavily landmined countries. More than two decades after the end of the civil war, the country continues to face the perilous task of clearing the hidden explosives from its landscape.

Despite the ongoing efforts, new victims emerge monthly. Now, trained rats are accelerating the clearance process, offering hope for a safer future.

In the latest from the dpa trends & features desk, we hear how the helpful rodents' efforts are crucial in helping Angolan communities reclaim their land and live without the constant fear of stepping on a mine.

Allison Williams
dpa trends & features

TOP FEATURE: Heroic rats - Giant hamster rats detect mines, saving life and limb

Angola, one of the world's most heavily landmined countries, faces the daunting task of defusing these deadly remnants. Despite ongoing efforts, new victims emerge every month. Now, the innovative use of trained rats is accelerating the clearance process, offering hope for a safer future.

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The ‘houseplant hotel’ that gives greenery the spa treatment

Some in the United States are lucky enough to live close to a "houseplant hotel." Not only does it keep them alive while they’re on vacation, but bruised leaves are healed, viruses are cured and the plants flourish, becoming perky, healthy and ready to thrive at home.

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Scientists in Switzerland race to freeze feces to improve gut health

A freezer filled with feces marks the foundation of an ambitious project. Scientists in Switzerland aim to establish a global vault for intestinal bacteria. But the clock is ticking.

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Life blood: How a stem cell donation created a decade-long friendship

Tina Kunath and Jan Wolfenstädter were strangers leading separate lives until Kunath fell ill and needed a stem cell donor. Wolfenstädter answered the call, and now, 10 years later, they share a deep and enduring friendship. This is their story.

Words: 692 Images: 2


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