Christ Church of England in Newark celebrates the end of term of its first Year Six

A school’s first-ever Year 6 class is ready to say goodbye with a prom.

Christ Church of England Primary School in Newark introduced a year six class this past academic year, 2023/2024.

The school was an infant school for a long time, but when it moved to a new site in Middlebeck it became a primary school.

Christ Church School's first Year 6 class.

Lucy Howson, the office manager at the school said: “We have had a busy and exciting school year getting our first ever year six class ready for SATs and secondary school.

“This year's group have been the oldest children in school for a long time now.

“It has been lovely to watch them grow in confidence and for new children to join them.”

In September 2020 the year two pupils became the school’s first year three class, and they are now the school’s first year six class.

This term, the school had it first-ever school residential, where pupils spent two nights camping in the woods at Camp Redwood.

There will be an end-of-year performance later in the term and the students will say goodbye to the school with its first school prom.

Christ Church School's first Year 6 class.

Alexia Odu, 11, started in Reception class at the old site on Victoria Street. She said: “I like the uniform and the teachers.

“My favourite teacher is Mr Armstrong and my favourite TA is Mrs Wells. I like the fundraising events, like the summer and Christmas fayres. It feels like a family and everyone is comfortable around each other.

“My favourite part of Year 6 was the last day of SATs week because we got to hang out at the park and we had chips there.”

Aaron Slinger,11, also joined the school in Reception Class at the old site. He said “I like the trips. “My favourite trip was when we went to the beach in Year one.

“I loved playing on the apparatus at the old site. I will miss Christ Church.”

Thomas Bolton, also aged 11, said: “I liked it when we used to get Golden Time. I liked the last day of SATS week.

“We had a special breakfast in the morning and then we walked to Sconce Park for the afternoon. I like Mr Armstrong. He’s funny and supportive.”