'Elites will not save you': Rallying cry issued for mass action against ‘Dictator Trump’

NEW YORK, NY - JULY 26: Dozens of protesters gather in Times Square on July 26, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

America faces an immediate future of military occupations, political executions and concentration camps unless millions of its citizens unite against “dictator” Donald Trump, a furious and frightened political analyst wrote Tuesday.

Salon’s Chauncey DeVega delivered this impassioned rallying cry one day after the Supreme Court strengthened presidential immunity to cover political assassinations and use of the military against rivals, as dissenting justices and legal experts respectively warn.

“The signals are flashing red that our fundamental system is in danger,” writes DeVega. “The elites will not save you.”

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Without immediate action, DeVega warns, Americans can expect the following:

  • Camps that can hold millions of people
  • One lone national political party
  • White Christianity as the nation’s official religion
  • Mass deportations
  • Military occupations of Democrat-leaning cities
  • The end of freedom of the press
  • Executions of political rivals on accusations of treason

As proof, DeVega points to words from Trump’s political campaign.

“OF COURSE WE aren’t f---ing bluffing,” an anonymous Trump adviser recently told Rolling Stone of the former president’s retribution and military action promises.

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Added another Republican close to Trump, "Yes, we do really want to burn it all down.”

DeVega also dismisses the suggestion that governmental restraints are strong enough to hold against Trump and the conservatives he says will go to any means to achieve an authoritarian hold on the nation.

“Such responses and denials are so much hopium happy pill balderdash and immature thinking that are at odds with reality as it actually exists,” he writes.

The “glimmer of hope” DeVega promises his readers is that they take a stand against the serious threat he believes we all face.

The New York Times recently reported on plans being developed and implemented by pro-democracy activists and organizations across the country to resist Dictator Trump and his regime’s agenda,” DeVega writes.

“But such plans will be limited in their success if pro-democracy Americans do not organize and mobilize by the tens of millions, instead of surrendering through tacit consent.

“The American people would be wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best,” he adds. “Given the obvious and growing danger, the American people cannot say that they were surprised or not told what awaits them and their democracy if Dictator Trump and his regime take power.”

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