Ineos keep putting Glazers to shame as they announce latest project at Old Trafford

How long does it take to undo nearly two decades of apathy and ignorance in a grand institution?

Ineos aren’t waiting to find out as they have been all about action and backing up their words to boot.

Since taking over officially at the start of the year, there have been numerous changes, some completed, some announced, and others in the pipeline.

Old Trafford regeneration council has been set up, the training complex is set to receive a revamp, executive structure has been upgraded but Sir Jim Ratcliffe and Co. aren’t stopping.

The next undertaking at Old Trafford has now been announced and it pertains to an iconic part of the stadium.

Photo by Richard Heathcote/Getty Images

Ineos’ latest undertaking

Manchester United have announced that the iconic players’ tunnel at Old Trafford will be redesigned and the work on the same has already begun.

As per the official announcement, the refurbishment is aimed at creating a performance environment, a regular buzzword in the new regime.

There will be a more modern and premium space created for the squad to utilise on matchday.

Currently, the tunnel has two plaques- former club president John Henry Davis and former owner James W. Gibson.

Both will be given a new space in the tunnel while more information about who they were and what they did for the club will be showcased.

It is a concerted effort to connect to the history of the institution while moving forward with the times, something which the Glazers failed, or didn’t try to do.

Winds of change at United

Things that were left unchecked and ignored but were covered up by the genius of Sir Alex Ferguson for nearly seven years finally started appearing on the surface after his departure.

The rot had set in and Sir Jim Ratcliffe made no qualms about accepting that United have been left behind the true elites of the game.

Consequently, his team has dived head-first into bridging that gap in every way possible, aligned with the marginal gains philosophy of Sir Dave Brailsford.

The small changes and improvements in things like these don’t show results immediately, but ultimately, they all add up to engineer a turnaround in results.

With the executive structure in place, and architectural projects ongoing, the time is now to pivot to on-pitch matters directly.

That begins with securing targets for Erik ten Hag in a transfer window which has the hopes of fans high due to the good work and intent Ineos have shown to this point.