What Erik ten Hag said as his contract extension at Manchester United becomes official

The open secret is finally out and Erik ten Hag has put pen to paper on a contract extension at Manchester United after much deliberation.

Ever since Ineos decided to keep Ten Hag, it was a matter of when, and not if he signed a new contract and a new year two-year deal signifies the commitment of the two parties towards one another.

His new deal is expected to bring changes in and around the staff too, with club legend Ruud Van Nistelrooy set to join his team along with Rene Hake.

Here’s what Ten Hag said after his extension became official…

Photo by Mike Hewitt/Getty Images

Ten Hag’s thoughts on contract extension

Manchester United put out a statement confirming the extension in which Ten Hag stressed that all parties are on the same page about the vision of the club.

He said the two trophies in the last two seasons provide hope for progression in the future but acknowledged there is a lot of hard work to be done still.

Here’s what he said in full: “I am very pleased to have reached agreement with the club to continue working together. Looking back at the past two years, we can reflect with pride on two trophies and many examples of progression from where we were when I joined.

“However, we must also be clear that there is still lots of hard work ahead to reach the levels expected of Manchester United, which means challenging for English and European titles.

“In my discussions with the club, we have found complete unity in our vision for reaching those goals, and we are all strongly committed to making that journey together.”

Long-term arrangement or marriage of convenience?

United registered their worst-ever Premier League finish last season and Sir Jim Ratcliffe had no qualms in admitting that they talked to potential candidates before deciding that Ten Hag was the best man to continue the project.

He has previously been open about accepting that multiple managers failing at United means the problems run much deeper.

Ten Hag will now get the chance to prove that is the case, especially as he flourished at Ajax when he had a working structure aiding him in decisions pertaining to recruitment, finances, etc.

The contract extension of two years means this season becomes crucial for Ten Hag in establishing himself as the long-term answer to Ineos’ demands.

A good season here could lead to another extension but Ineos have protected themselves in case it goes wrong as he will enter the last year of his contract at the end of the season again.

For now, it is a deal that suits all parties but leaves a lot of room for movement if things don’t work out. A long-term arrangement or a marriage of convenience due to a lack of options? Only Ten Hag and his team can finalise what it is with their displays this season.