Wife blames critical illness for convincing husband she had an affair after their child

Gemma and Andy Hampton had a happy relationship for years, until an illness changed the man’s personality, making him question his wife’s integrity.

This is the case of a Dorset couple, who had just welcomed their bundle of joy when a disease started causing issues in their marriage.

Deutschland, Baden-Württemberg, Kalrsruhe, älterer Mann mit grauen Haaren in einem Park

Man suspects his wife of having an affair

It was in May 2022. A 37-year-old Gemma had just birthed her son Henley when “everything changed.” She started to notice obvious changes in her husband’s personality.

Not only did he sleep through the birth of their son, but he became increasingly “distant and apathetic,” reports Metro UK.

“I would ask Andy to change Henley’s nappy to which he would say he had a headache and I had to do it. At first, I thought it was an excuse and that he was struggling to adapt to life with two young children,” Gemma recollected.

She felt her husband wasn’t listening to her and the more she pointed out mistakes in him, he became paranoid and came to “believe things that weren’t true.”

Even though Andy knew it was all in his head, he couldn’t stop invasive thoughts that had started to consume him.

He was diagnosed with a brain tumor

Gemma said the “final straw” came when her husband struggled to take the duvet out of its cover. Within a year of their son’s birth, Andy was “all over the place.”

As paranoia and confusion took over Andy’s life, he decided to meet with a GP. But when he vomited on the way to the doctor’s appointment, he was sent straight to A&E at Dorset County Hospital with a suspected infection.

He was diagnosed with glioblastoma – a fast-growing and aggressive brain tumor, primary malignant cancer. Andy underwent surgery to have the mass removed, followed by six weeks of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Gemma said her husband’s personality changed “instantly” after the surgery and he went back to being his old self. “We felt better knowing that there was something to blame for Andy’s behaviour and that it wasn’t our marriage breaking down,” she said.