Temperature most Americans set their air con at leaves British man in disbelief

A British man just discovered what temperature most Americans set their air conditioning at during a heatwave and was left in shock.

Temperatures often near 50°C (122°F) in Florida, Louisiana, Texas and Arizona, but people living there don’t all have icy cold homes like you think.

wall hung air conditioner

British man in disbelief over air con temperature

On TikTok, the British man responded to a comment which said: “They say it’s because we have AC, but they don’t realize that a lot of us set our AC to like 75, which is the same temperature as an English heatwave.”

The TikTok user claimed that people in the US put their air conditioning at the surprisingly hot temperature of 75°F, which is almost 24°C.

“Wait a minute. Americans are setting their AC to stay cool and the temperature they will set it at is the same temperature that Brits have for heatwaves,” the Brit said in disbelief. “Americans are here experiencing British heatwaves to cool down!”

‘AC is expensive to run all day’

In the comments, Americans are confirming it’s true. They really do set their AC to 75°F or sometimes even hotter, and it all comes down to the cost.

One person wrote: “77 or 78 because AC is expensive to run all day.”

“My A/C is set at 76. Can’t afford the electric bill if it is set anything lower,” said another.

A third person added: “We’re paying BIG money to have a British heatwave in our house.”

“I’ll bring the entire grid down before I set my thermostat higher than 70,” someone else wrote.

US government’s air con advice for Americans

The US Department of Energy recommends putting your thermostat at 78°F for optimal savings of around $180 every year.

However, they also say you should set your thermostat at a temperature you find “comfortable” and that “provides humidity control”.

The smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall cooling bill will be.

They advise keeping your home warmer than normal when you are away, and recommend lowering the thermostat setting when you return home.

Avoid setting your thermostat colder when you first turn on your air conditioner as it will not cool your home any faster and could result in unnecessary extra cost.