Security Service of Ukraine Arrests 'Couple' Spying for Russia During Wedding Photoshoot

The Security Service of Ukraine has arrested a couple that was spying for Russia using their so-called "wedding photoshoot" as a cover. has learned that the young couple had been reportedly gathering intelligence about the maritime border guard locations under orders from the Federal Security Service of Russia.

The Security Service of Ukraine has arrested a couple spying for Russia. By: Security Service of Ukraine

The incident occurred in the port town of Odesa in Ukraine, where a 23-year-old local man and his 18-year-old "bride" were exploring the locations of maritime border guard units and clicking photographs "against the backdrop of 'required' objects."

The Security Service of Ukraine issued a press release about the arrest, where it noted that the Federal Security Service of Russia recruited the local man in May 2024 through "anonymous chats on Telegram."

The Telegram correspondence also reportedly discussed "the issue of evading mobilization." Shortly after recruitment, the man involved his girlfriend in the covert operation as well, the press release noted.

In the latest mission, the couple was meant to gather intelligence about "the locations of border guards, which are defending the waters of the port city."

The Security Service also found proof of illicit activities on their mobile phones. By: Security Service of Ukraine

The investigation carried out by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) – under the procedural leadership of the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office – has revealed that Russia intended to use the information gathered by the local spy duo to carry out precise air strikes on Odesa.

It was also revealed that the man was tasked with putting up "100 provocative anti-mobilization leaflets" around Odesa and "setting fire to a local power plant."

"From the information obtained, the traitor prepared an agent 'report' for his curator of the management of the FSB [Russian Federal Security Service] in the Eastern Military District of the Russian Federation," the press release read.

The identity of the Russian operator pulling the strings behind this mission has also been confirmed by Ukrainian intelligence.

Security Service of Ukraine detained five former and serving Ukrainian intelligence officers in February 2024 for spying for Russia. By: Telegram/Security Service of Ukraine

Following the arrest, the SBU tossed the suspects' apartment, and the search revealed further evidence of their crimes on their mobile phones. "A bank card with money from FSB and a batch of anti-Ukrainian leaflets were also found," the Security Service mentioned in the press release.

The young couple is currently in custody, each facing eight years to life imprisonment if convicted.

The Ukrainian Security Service and military intelligence wings have been making periodic efforts to thwart Russian espionage and anti-Ukrainian movement on the home turf, as they recently apprehended a group of "provocateurs" attempting to stage a coup.

The arrested individuals had planned an alleged insurrection on June 30, which was intended to begin as a peaceful protest before escalating into a riot aimed at seizing the seat of power and halting its operations.

SBU agents questioning one of the accused "provocateurs." By: SBU

The SBU published these allegations on its website, saying:

“The group [of provocateurs] was headed by the co-founder of a public organization known for its anti-Ukrainian actions since 2015.”

“Under the guise of holding a so-called ‘party’, the attackers planned to announce the ‘removal from power’ of the current military and political leadership of Ukraine.”

“Then they hoped to seize the building of the Verkhovna Rada [the Parliament] of Ukraine and block its work.”

“In order to gather people,” the report elaborated, “the organizers had to arrange a supposedly peaceful meeting in the center of the capital.”

The accused individuals intended to spread disinformation about “disturbances” throughout the Ukrainian capital, hoping that it would unsettle the population and “shake up the social and political situation” in the embattled nation.