Netherlands weighs sending military instructors to Ukraine

Dutch Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans

The report notes that the Netherlands "generally does not exclude" participation in the French initiative to organize military training in Ukraine.

However, Dutch Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans stated that it is "still too early to make a final decision on this matter." He wants to see how the international discussion develops first.

“It's always necessary to weigh the added value and the risks,” the minister said.

“And this must involve a broad coalition of countries, supported by key NATO allies.”

According to him, there are still "leading countries" that are not very interested in participating in the coalition. Brekelmans was likely referring to Italy and Germany, the journalists added.

On June 6, Macron stated that he wants to form a "French brigade" of soldiers in Ukraine, trained and equipped by France.

Read also: France says sending military instructors to Ukraine still under discussion

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Section: Nation

Author: Eric Malinowski