103-year-old doctor shares her 5 secrets to living longer and happier

We all want to live a long and happy life, and a 103-year-old doctor has shared her five secrets on how to do that.

Dr. Gladys McGarey is a holistic physician and medical activist who founded the American Holistic Medical Association.

T&H – Inspiration & Motivation (YouTube)

103-year-old doctor’s 5 life secrets

In an interview with T&H Inspiration & Motivation on YouTube, she shared what she calls her “Five L’s” – five different words beginning with the letter ‘L’ have helped her live a long and happy life.

Life and Love

The first two secrets are grouped into one category, life and love, because they both go hand in hand with each other.

“Without life, there is nothing,” she said. “You can be a seed in the Great Pyramid for 5,000 years and nothing happens until love, which is light and water and so on, softens the shell and the seed opens up and it grows.”

The doctor explained that life and love are one unit, and constantly bringing love to everything we do in life will help us live happier.


Her next secret is laughter, which when combined with love again, can bring so much happiness to our everyday lives.

“Laughter without love is cruel. It’s mean, it tears families apart, it can cause wars, but laughter with love is joy and happiness,” McGarey said.

It can have huge psychological benefits, including improving mood and decreasing depression, anxiety, and stress, a report in the Sage journal explains.


Another secret to living longer and healthier is labor, meaning work, which doesn’t have to be hard and dull.

“Labor with love is bliss. It’s why singers sing and painters paint. It’s why I do what I do, it’s why you do what you do. It makes our hearts sing,” she said.

Working a job we enjoy helps our inner being come alive, bringing passion, desire and meaning to our lives.


The final one is listening, an important aspect of life that brings people together, strengthens relationships and encourages communication.

The 103-year-old said: “Listening without love is empty sound. It just doesn’t make any sense and you don’t understand, but listening with love is understanding.”

If we bring love, laughter and labor to our lives, listen to others and enjoy our work, we can all live longer and more joyous lives.