Donald Trump & James Comey Engage In Twitter War

James Comey to sit down with ABC for interview

Former FBI Director James Comey on Thursday took to the late night airwaves rebut the  president’s most recent accusation against the FBI – that it planted a spy into the Trump 2016 presidential campaign.

In an interview with late night host Conan O’Brian on Thursday, Comey was confronted with the question whether or not it was possible a spy could have been planted into the president’s campaign. “I don’t find it possible,” he said, adding that he knows it “not to be true.”


“As best I can tell, it’s made up. I don’t know where he’s getting that from honestly,” Comey told O’Brian.

Comey’s statements came after President Donald Trump let loose a tweet in which he demanded that the Department of Justice “look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump campaign for political purposes.” On Thursday, select lawmakers met with top officials from the Justice Department to discuss highly classified information pertaining to the FBI’s use of an informant in 2016.

In response to the president’s repeated claims bias in the intelligence community, Comey responded with the simple tweet, “facts matter.”

He added that it is a “dangerous time when our country is led by those who will lie about anything, backed by those who will believe anything, based on information from media sources that will say anything. Americans must break out of that bubble and seek truth.”

Trump responded to Comey’s statements in a prerecorded interview with Fox and Friends where he questioned “how [Comey] is going to explain to his grandchildren all of the lies, the deceit, all of the problems he has caused for this country.”

The president’s attacks against the former FBI director as well as the intelligence community as a whole has come as increased pressure is being put on him by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Trump’s firing of Comey as FBI director initially led to the appointment of Mueller.


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