Ex-Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe Wrote Secret Memo About Trump’s Firing Of James Comey

Jill McCabe Speaks Out About Donald Trump Attacks

Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe wrote a top-secret memo last year that revealed major details of President Donald Trump‘s firing of James Comey in May 2017, according to a new report.

Andrew McCabe Wrote Confidential Memo About James Comey

The New York Times reported Wednesday that McCabe recounted a conversation he had with deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein at the Justice Department just days after Comey’s dismissal. Rosenstein — who is one of the people overseeing special counsel Robert Mueller‘s probe into Russian collusion — played a significant role in Comey’s ousting, as he drafted a memo that condemned the then-FBI Director for how he conducted his inquiry into Hillary Clinton‘s use of a private email server.

Comey stated months before the 2016 election that he had found no evidence that Clinton had committed any crimes in using a private server. However, he re-opened his investigation into the former secretary of state just two weeks before the election, and Clinton has blamed Comey as one of the reasons for her loss to Trump.

Mueller continues to investigate whether Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey or in any other way. The president famously asked Comey stop probing Michael Flynn, his first national security adviser who ultimately pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russian government officials. Comey published memos of his conversations with Trump in a series of memos earlier this spring. The conservative former FBI Director has also slammed the president as a “mob boss” in television interviews and in his new book A Higher Loyalty. 

The Times states that McCabe wrote his confidential memo out of fear that Rosenstein helped issue a “cover story” for the Russia probe into Trump’s campaign by writing about the inquiry into Clinton.

Rosenstein allegedly said Trump initially requested he mention Russia in his memo. McCabe was fired in March after it was discovered he was not truthful during an internal investigation.

Several current and former law enforcement officials have reportedly voiced concern over the deputy attorney general’s recent decisions, like one to permit some of the president’s allies in congress to look at some of the investigation’s key documents.

Trump recently told NBC News that he had intended to dismiss Comey before Rosenstein drafted his memo. The president called last week for McCabe to be investigated.

Rosenstein recently warned that the Justice Department would never be “extorted.”


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