Rudy Giuliani Calls For Suspension Of Russian Probe After DOJ Report

Rudy Giuliani joining Trump's legal team

In light of the recent Department Of Justice watchdog report, President Donald Trump‘s attorney Rudy Giuliani has requested the FBI halt its investigation into the Russia probe so that top FBI officials can first be investigated.


The report recently cast doubt on the FBI after revealing alleged political bias among FBI officials, namely agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, leading up to the presidential election as well as a failure to follow official protocol on the part of former FBI director, James Comey.

In an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Giuliani argued these failings warrant the suspension of special counsel Robert Mueller and his probe into Trump’s possible collusion with Russia in the 2016 presidential election. 

“Tomorrow, Mueller should be suspended and honest people should be brought in, impartial people to investigate these people like Strzok,” Giuliani stated. “Strzok should be in jail by the end of next week.”

The White House has since attempted to use the report to further discredit Mueller’s investigation. In a press conference, the president claimed that as a result of “the IG report, [he has] been totally exonerated” of any foul play during his election.

Many Democrats disagree, noting how the report never directly touches on Mueller’s investigation. “Nothing in this report lays a glove on Mueller,” Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said Thursday.


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