Andrew McCabe: Trump Said “I Don’t Care, I Believe Putin” When Given U.S. Intel On North Korea [VIDEO]

Jill McCabe Speaks Out About Donald Trump Attacks

Former interim FBI Director Andrew McCabe dropped a major revelation in a bombshell interview that aired Sunday: President Donald Trump believed Russian President Vladimir Putin over U.S. intelligence officials when provided with key intel on North Korea.

“Intelligence officials in the briefing responded that that was not consistent with any of the intelligence our government possesses to which the president replied, “I don’t care. I believe Putin,” McCabe told host Scott Pelley in the 60 Minutes interview.

Intelligence officials reportedly told Trump that North Korea had missiles that could potentially strike the U.S. mainland, but the president refused to believe them, citing a conversation he had with Putin where the Russian leader allegedly told him these missiles were not capable of this.

McCabe added he found it “astounding” that Trump chose to believe Putin over his own officials.

“To spend the time and effort and energy that we all do in the intelligence community to produce products that will help decision makers and the ultimate decision maker, the President of the United States— make policy decisions, and to be confronted with an absolute disbelief in those efforts and a unwillingness to learn the true state of affairs that he has to deal with every day was just shocking,” McCabe stated.


Segments from McCabe’s 60 Minutes interview aired earlier last week, and Trump reacted by lashing out at the former FBI deputy director on Twitter.

The FBI dismissed McCabe in March following an inquiry that concluded he leaked information to the media without authorization and “lacked candor” under oath several times.

McCabe is promoting his new book, The Threat: How The FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump.


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