Trump Calls Ex-FBI Officials ‘Scum,’ Takes Credit For ‘Sick’ Immigrant Plan At Rally [VIDEO]

Donald Trump Deletes Tweets Supporting Sen. Luther Strange After GOP Primary Loss

President Donald Trump disparaged former FBI and Justice Department officials, expressed support for Saudi Arabia and took credit for plans to send undocumented immigrants to sanctuary cities as he spoke at a rally in Wisconsin on Saturday night.

The nearly 90-minute long rally coincided with the annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner in Washington, which Trump administration officials boycotted at the president’s orders.

Trump opened his remarks by offering condolences to victims of the deadly synagogue shooting in California earlier in the day. Then he took aim at the federal law enforcement community, referring to some FBI and Justice Department officials as “scum.”


“If you look at what’s happened with the scum that’s leaving the very top of government … these were dirty cops. These were dirty players,” Trump told the crowd. “There’s 21 of ’em already. What we are doing now is draining the swamp,” the president added, prompting the crowd to chant “Drain the Swamp!”

The rally, which was held in Green Bay, was the president’s first such gathering since Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. The report said the investigation did not find sufficient evidence of a Trump-Russia conspiracy, seemingly prompting the president to attack American intelligence agencies.

Trump also took credit for a controversial plan to send undocumented immigrants to sanctuary cities where local officials have opted not to cooperate with federal immigration officials ― a plan that surfaced earlier this month.

“We’re sending many of them to sanctuary cities, thank you very much,” he said. “They’re not too happy about it. I’m proud to tell you that was actually my sick idea.”

In a tweet on Saturday, the Democratic National Committee called Trump’s remarks on the plan “disgusting.”

“Trump gleefully admits it was his ‘sick idea’ to use immigrants as pawns in his games of political retribution,” the tweet read.


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