Trump Attacks FBI Director Christopher Wray, Citing “Spying” During 2016 Campaign

FBI Director Christopher Wray Contradicts White House Statements About Rob Porter's Alleged Abuse

President Donald Trump this week added a new name to his list of targets: FBI Director Christopher Wray. 

Trump went after Wray, whom he appointed in August 2017 to replace James Comey, for not supporting allegations that the FBI engaged in “spying” on Trump’s 2016 campaign. Attorney General William Barr pushed this theory in his Senate testimony last month.

In a series of tweets on Sunday, Trump quoted right-wing activist Tom Fitton in blasting the bureau’s “leadership” and in claiming that it attempted to “overthrow the President through an illegal coup.”


Trump’s attack on Wray follows that on former White House Counsel Don McGahn. This week, it was reported that McGahn refused to follow a White House order to say Trump never committed obstruction of justice over the course of special counsel Robert Mueller‘s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“It’s very typical of the president. He is paranoid, a narcissist and [shows] antisocial behavior,” said Rep. Jackie Speier (D-California), a member of the House Intelligence Committee. “He gets his thrills out of attacking people.”

Speier also accused Trump of constantly surrounding himself with “sycophants” who do his bidding at nearly every turn.


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