Who Will Kill Daenerys In The 'Game Of Thrones' Finale?

The penultimate episode of Game of Throneshad divided opinions, and to be honest, I don’t why, since there have been hints throughout the entire series that this would happen. So, long story short, in case you live under a rock and didn’t see the episode (in which case, I warn you, there will be spoilers), Daenerys finally took her troops to King’s Landing to take the throne. Without really needing them, she and Drogon killed Cersei’s allies and soldiers, and even when the city surrendered to the Mother of Dragons, she decided to burn King’s Landing and all its inhabitants.

This episode made it clear that Daenerys isn’t fit to rule and she won’t be getting the desired Iron Throne after all. I mean, she could, but let’s face it, the remaining characters won’t let anyone that vindictive to rule the kingdom. So, the question is, who will take a stand for the country’s well-being and end this madness? Here are the remaining main characters and how they could face this new tyrant.


We Can't Even With Daenerys's Ruthlessness On The Latest Episode Of GOT

Sansa Stark

If you think about it, no one has more motives to eliminate Khaleesi than Sansa. Also, now that she knows (and basically let the entire world know) that Jon is actually Aegon Targaryen, the rightful heir to the throne, she might be determined to help him reach it. Still, it’s not Sansa’s style and it's kind of unlikely that she would pick up a sword and fight Daenerys.

Tyrion Lannister

We know Tyrion won’t do it because he doesn't have it in him. The only time we saw him kill someone (when he shot his father on the toilet) was for a very good reason: to save himself and end the life of a man who made him face rejection and hatred. Tyrion is definitely left aghast by Daenerys’ ruthless acts, but it’s more likely that she'll kill him first (after all, she told him she wouldn't tolerate another mistake or betrayal).


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Arya Stark

Ok, now, let’s talk business, since Arya is everybody’s favorite to end Daenerys' tyranny, besides the fact that Arya could totally start a brand new list by including the woman who basically decided to massacre a million innocent people. Since the infamous “Long Night” episode, people are sure Arya is the promised heroine of this story, and the last episode gave us some more hints about Arya being someone really crucial to the plot. I mean, she survived the massacre, and that white horse must mean something.

Jon Snow aka Aegon Targaryen

Now, everything points to Arya being the one who will bring the Breaker of Chains to an end, but I really believe that it will be Daenerys' nephew and lover who tragically ends this love story. We all saw he was devastated to see what she was capable of doing, and though I believe he will do his best to persuade her in her manners, he will realize she’s determined to rule one way or another. So yes, I think it will be Colonel Snow, in the Great Hall of the Red Keep, with the Longclaw Sword.


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Ok, I don’t see this happening at all, though how awesome would it be?! Just picture this: following with the previous idea, turns out Drogon only listens to Targaryens, so with Jon being one, he would be able to give the Dracarys command, giving the Mother of Dragons a taste of her own medicine. Now, if that’s not cool enough, imagine Bran being able to possess Drogon as he did with his direwolf Summer (or Hodor)! That would definitely be a surprising plot twist (though I don’t see that happening).

Gendry Baratheon

Last but not least, we can’t forget about the other character with a strong claim to the throne. Though we saw Gendry was pretty pleased with Daenerys when she named him Lord Gendry Baratheon of Stormsend, at the end of the day, Gendry has always been a peasant, so he could actually be pissed about Daenery’s actions in King’s Landing and see himself as a better man for the job. Let’s not forget he’s also heartbroken, so he could even want to do this to show Arya they’re the same and, therefore, meant to be together (sorry, Gendry, that’s not happening!).


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And of course, there are other surviving characters like Bronn, Sam, Tormund, or even Brienne (who I think would do it, if Sansa asked), but let’s be honest, most of them already closed their narrative arc, or don’t care that much about the well-being of the country, so they’re out of the poll. To summarize a bit, it’s either going to be Arya or Jon, and the latter has more chances of doing it, in my opinion.

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