This Game Of Thrones Theory Claims Sansa Will Rule The Seven Kingdoms

By Corina Mendoza

Sansa Stark is one of the characters in Game of Throneswho have managed to survive thanks to her intelligence. She was never any good with physical confrontations, unlike Arya, and had prodigious manners fitting for a "lady" instead. However, reality violently woke her up from her chivalry-inspired fantasies in one of the worst possible ways, and each step she takes has been marked by torture ever since—and by a clear objective as well. She's focused, and her experiences have turned her into an iron ruler.

Unlike her siblings, Sansa has survived with her "damsel-in-distress" appearance, and has now outgrown her naive beginnings. She's evolved, overcoming her traumatizing experiences, and become Lady of Winterfell. So, how far is she from being Queen?


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Chivalrous codes, romantic legends, and kings and queens who live happily ever after: that was Sansa's view of the world in general. So, she became obsessed with the idea that she should go to King's Landing and marry Joffrey Baratheon, a prince and king who was the only path, in her mind, to fulfil her dreams. Joffrey was the rightful heir, after all. Or so she thought. But when she discovered that affairs are not at all as she had imagined, she reacted with utter resignation and submission—plagued by fear and utter disillusion as well. She came to seemingly accept her fate at Joffrey's side, facing the fact that her fiancé was a violent and sadistic killer.

The death of her Direwolf, Lady, by order of Cersei is not enough to wake her up. It was the death of her father, beheaded right in front of her.


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Historical Basis

It is no secret that George R.R. Martin based his fantasy epic mostly on British history. Right after the War of the Roses, which inspired much of the series' plot, House Tudor came to rule the powerful Kingdom of England until the death of Elizabeth I, daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. There are many striking similarities between Sansa and Queen Elizabeth I, starting with the seemingly trivial fact that both have characteristically red hair.

More importantly, though, both are daughters of someone accused and beheaded for treason (Ned Stark and Anne Boleyn), and neither were actually meant to hold any position of true power in the history of their respective kingdoms. Each of them rose to prominence with the help of some interesting figure—a knight for Elizabeth, and Lord Baelish for Sansa—and reached a position of power through firm steps. For all we know, the resemblance between two figures might stop there, but advocates of this Game of Thrones theory are quick to point to the similarities nonetheless.


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There might be some issues, though. First, though both figures share some features, they seem rather minor, and some of them are simply too thin, to the point that the theory might be reaching for straws. There are important differences as well. Elizabeth was a queen without a king, and she was famously known as The Virgin Queen. Sansa has been married twice. Still, she's single now, and we know she has the aptitude to rule without a male counterpart at this point. She's far from the damsel in distress she longed to be at the beginning of the show.

After all she's been through, Sansa has become a rather good political player herself, difficult to fool and ready for action. If her similarities with Elizabeth go all the way to becoming sole Queen, we can expect that Sansa would bring a Golden Age to the Seven Kingdoms just like Elizabeth did for England. After all, the famous Tudor monarch is widely considered to have been one of the best English rulers, as she reigned with confidence, clarity, and strength, harboring a new era of cultural advancements and economic prosperity.


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Sansa has shown she's capable of anything, as she had one of the best teachers in Cersei Lannister. So, at this point, Sansa is well aware of her strengths, has a good handle on her own abilities, and seems to be in control of the political situation, commanding intrigue flawlessly. And she's managed all this without the help of overpowered dragons—which is why, according to many GoT fans, she deserves the Iron Throne. So, who knows… that might be her fate after all. Whatever the case, we'll find out soon enough.


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Translated by Olive G. Alvar

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