'Westworld' Trailer For Season III Drops With A Surprise Twist

This Westworld season 3 trailer is a movie on its own, far from the world we became familiar with in the previous two installments of the epic sci-fi series. The trailer features no cowboys, no guns, no Wild West, and no samurai, either. It doesn't even look that much like the future. And its first surprise comes very early on.

Before we even know what this trailer is about, we only see a young man dressed in a jumpsuit walking on a lane as the camera zooms in on him from the back. Holy cow! It's Aaron Paul, best known for playing Jesse Pinkman on the hit series Breaking Bad! And we soon realize this scene is taking place in a believable, not over-the-top futuristic world (with Pink Floyd's "Brain Damage" playing in the back. As they show this huge city with self-driven motorcycles, flying vehicles, and robots living amongst humans in what looks like a big modern city, we hear a voiceover of Paul's character speaking with disenchantment of the time he's living in.

Sometimes it seems like the world looks alright. Like they put a coat of paint on it. But inside it's rotting to pieces. They said they would make a better world. Smooth away the rough edges... But that was a lie. I guess the rough edges are the only thing I'm hanging onto.

Soon, we realize what he's talking about, as a sequence of violent scenes take place. Paul's character takes part in some sort of heist, punches fly, and someone pulls a gun on Paul. We see him visit a friend (played by none other than Kid Cudi) in a orange jumpsuit trapped behind a glass wall (they're in a prison, obviously), and then a woman executes two random people lying on the street.


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@bleekly_And then, the first obvious reference to Westworlddrops: a female character drags an unconscious body on a hill. "Brain Damage" stops and a piano starts playing. (A familiar piano... Ramin Djawadi, is that you? It is.) Then, the voiceover continues:

I think if I'm going to move on with my life I'm going to have to find something... someone... real.

Aaron Paul approaches a tunnel where a woman leans against the wall, wounded. "Do you need some help?" he yells from afar. The woman looks up. It's Dolores. And then, the Westworldlogo appears. We've been in the Westworlduniverse all along.


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If you're not freaking out right now, don't call yourself a Westworldfan. The trailer opens completely new storylines for the series. We knew robots were having a bad time inside the parks, but now it turns out humans are also disillusioned with the future they live in? That's a whole other level of sci-fi. Then, there's Dolores. We last saw her outsmarting everyone and leaving the park in someone else's body while still recreating her original robot body and saying "so long, suckers" to everyone left behind, presumably to live life in hiding among humans. But now she's in the middle of the city, wounded? Can't wait to find out about that.

The trailer doesn't say much more except that we can expect the new season to be released in 2020. We can also expect Aaron Paul to star in it, as well as Kid Cudi (unless this teaser trailer is taking teasing too far). There's still too many questions to be answered but after last season's lack of direction, let's just hope they know where to go from here.


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