10 Underrated Series To Catch This Month On Netflix

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Netflix is a world filled to the brim with possibilities... Series, movies, and special features abound. So, how is it possible that you keep getting the same tired recommendations every time you open the app? Well, you can blame the algorithm, that's what decides that, because you watched this and that, then you will only like this and that.


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Get out of the tired old cycle of "seen it, seen it, not interested, why in the world would I be interested in that?!" and check out our ten recommendations for the month of May. You probably didn't even knew these gems were hidden in Netflix's endless catalog.


Italian mafia, corrupt politicians, and The Vatican itself. Do we need to say more? This series about a small coastal town close to Rome will have you clicking "Next episode" in no time. The stakes are high, and everyone with a bone to pick in this war will fight to the end.

Good Girls

Desperate Housewivesmeets Breaking Bad. A group of lonely suburban wives and mothers finally go over the edge and decide to take control of their lives, by robbing a supermarket at gunpoint. Against all odds, they succeed. What nobody told them is that the suburban supermarket was a front for money laundering, and they just robbed the realbad guys.

Doctor Foster

Gemma Foster is a successful doctor, wife, and mother with the perfect suburban life. But one day, she finds a blonde hair in her husband's clothes, and things spiral out of control pretty quickly. After she confirms her suspicions about her cheating husband, she has a lot of choices to make. The pressure takes its toll on her, as her life cracks and crumbles, and she grows increasingly unstable.


One of the most recent additions to the Netflix catalog, Quicksanddeals with the thorny issue of school shootings -with a twist.


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Maja, a Swedish high school student has been arrested, accused of being part of a school massacre. She confesses to the crime, but things are not what they seem at first. As with all Nordic Noirseries, nothing is ever that simple.

The Staircase

This eight-part documentary is so good that you will watch it as though it were fiction. The story follows Michael Peterson, a man who one day finds his wife, unconscious and bloody at the bottom of the stairs in their home. After calling 911, he is arrested under suspicion of being his wife's murderer. For the whole length of the documentary, the viewer follows the clues that led the detectives in charge of the case to accuse him of murder, and why they thought he was responsible for his wife's demise.

Ash vs Evil Dead

This series, a spin-off and sequel of the cult movie Evil Dead, is a dark and bloody comedy that follows the unlikely hero Ash, who survived a satanic cult's massacre in a forest, years after it happened, while he has to face new and dangerous demons with the help of his friends and his faithful chainsaw.


After his dog is killed during an attempt on his life, a NY mobster decides to get revenge by turning against his former mafia associates and ratting on them to the FBI. As a result, he enters the witness protection program and ends up living in a small Norwegian city he has fantasized about for many years: Lilyhammer. However, his skills prove pretty useful, and he quickly returns to his old ways, soon becoming the crime kingpin of this quiet and icy corner of Norway.

Designated Survivor

The utterly impossible happens: every high-ranking officer in Washington D.C. dies in a terrorist attack. All of them except for one, the man who is now responsible for getting the country out of one the worst crises it has ever faced. He is far from ready to take the reign of the country. But now, on top of being president, he needs to find the mastermind behind the massacre and his motives.

The Blacklist

The most wanted criminal in America surrenders to the FBI and has an offer to make. He will lead the Bureau to the most devious and dangerous criminals in the world on one condition: he will only deal with rookie agent Elizabeth Keen, who is about to start her first week on the job, and who doesn't even know him.

Secret City

Relationships between China and the USA are at a historical low. Tensions are running high, and to make things worse, political investigative journalist Harriet Dunkley uncovers a conspiracy behind a series of assassinations, suicides and terrorist attacks in Canberra, Australia, which complicates things even further.

So, there you have it. Get the popcorn ready for your next Netflix marathon with these ten underrated series before they are taken out of the catalogue.

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