Tweet of the Week #35: Cats, Cats Everywhere

Not a single day goes by without Japanese cat owners parading their furry companions on Twitterand, well, we love it. With more than 9,526,000 pet cats registered in 2017, it’s safe to assume that Japan is absolutely mad about cats.

Let’s take a minute to learn the etymology of the Japanese word for cat, . The old word for “neko” is “nekoma,” which combines the onomatopoeia for the sound cats make, にゃand こまmeaning “four-legged animal.”

The left radical of the kanji is easy peasy to remember. means beast and is also associated with dogs. The right part, however, requires a little bit more insight since has nothing to do with our feline friends but actually means “seedling” or “sapling.”

First, we already know that Kanji are of Chinese origin. Second, in China, cats go “miao” or “mao.” ’s Chinese reading is みょう. So if you haven’t guessed by now, , in China, means the “beast that makes a meow sound.” Add that to your list of fun facts to break out at a party!


When you hear a noise coming from inside your walls, you’d expect it to be a rat or mouse snuggling in your insulation waiting until the cover of night to hunt for leftover cheese.

When @d_e_heffun heard something coming from behind the wall, he bravely took it upon himself to investigate and made quite a surprising discovery!




Sounds like a fake “true story,” like the ones you read on the internet but never see in real life. I can’t believe this kind of thing would appear from the walls of our house. By the way, it happened last night.

Say again?

The suffix っけis a simple expression you should have in your Nihongo bank to help you hold natural and casual conversations in Japanese. Simply put, っけcomes in to end a sentence when you’re asking about something you’re supposed to know, but can’t seem to recall.

っけoften ends a question you’re asking yourself, but it can also be used casually when addressing other people and asking them to confirm the information.

Most of the time, っけis used with (a casual form of the copula です) and the past form.

  • 何でしたっけ。= What was it again?
  • だっけ。= What time was it again?
  • これでいいんだっけ。= Is it ok like this?
  • きだっけ?= Do you like natto?

Otsukaresama desu! You studied hard today. Just for giggles here’s a selection of recent hilarious kitty tweets to brighten up your Saturday.


おわかりいただけただろうか = Got it?


どうしてそうなったのw = How did that happen?! LOL

Evry damn tiem!

かとったらのだった = Was wondering what this was when I realized it’s my ears.

Dat salaryman pose tho

れなかったサラリーマン = Salaryman who missed the last train

Cat or cow?

がてきた = A cat appeared

Not a fan of fluffy neko-chan? Here’s a super cute Shiba Inuinstead.

どのセーブデータだっけ = Which save file was it again?


嘘	uso	lie
みたい	mitai	like (looks like, is similar to)
本当	hontou	real
話	hanashi	story
ネット上で	netto jyou de	on the internet
しか	shika	only
見る	miru	see
まさか	masaka	no way!
我が家の	wagayano	our home, one’s home
壁の中から	kabe no naka kara	from inside the wall
ちなみに	chinami ni	by the way
昨日	kinou	yesterday
おわかりいただけただろうか	o wakari itadaketa darouka	Got it?/Did you understand?
どうしてそうなったの	doushite sou natta no 	How did that happen?
w	LOL	Japanese text speak for laughter, LOL
思う	omou	to think
自分の	jibun no	one’s own
耳	mimi	ear
定時	teiji	on time
帰宅	kitaku	come back home
サラリーマン	sarariiman	“salaryman”, businessman
終電	shuuden	last train (of the day)
乗れる	noreru	to board (the train)
出る	deru	come out
どの	dono	which
セーブデータ 	seebu deeta	saved data

For more on learning Japanese

See a funny Japanese tweet that could be awesome for Tweet of the Week? Retweet it and tag us @gaijinpot!

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