Los Tigres Del Norte Honor Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison With A Netflix Concert

Johnny Cash was known for the use of storytelling in his songs, which also happens to be a trademark that characterizes Los Tigres del Norte, the legendary Mexican band that sings about gang life: treason, smuggling, fooling the authorities, and life on the run. Now fifty years following Cash's historic concert at Folsom Prison, Netflix will release a Tigres documentary that will also feature footage of their concert at the prison, a tribute to Johnny Cash's famous show. Los Tigres del Norte at Folsom Prison(Los Tigres del Norte en la Prisión de Folsom) is set to be released in September, the Hispanic heritage month.



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The documentary and a special edition album were planned to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Johnny Cash's At Folsom Prison, the recording of the groundbreaking live concert that defined Cash's career and legacy. In a way, however, Los Tigres will honor themselves by celebrating the 50th anniversary of the start of their career. Los Tigres are the only band to have been authorized by the California Department of Correction and Rehabilitation Center to play and film there.

@lostigresdelnorteAs any Tigres and Johnny Cash fan will know, their songs strike personal chords by talking about real people. Cash's famous "Folsom Prison Blues" is sympathetic to inmates, while Los Tigres's songs are mostly ballads that tell the stories of people in the North (of Mexico), whose lives are engulfed by drug violence and a desire to cross the border.

There's an added value to this concert, 50 years after the prison's demography might have radically changed. The documentary will also feature inmates' stories told by themselves and they way their lives have been touched by the Mexican band's music, providing an emotional account of intertwined tales of crime and penance, but also of a convoluted relationship across the border.

Los Tigres del Norte at Folsom Prison will be available worldwide on Netflix as of September.



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