10 Indisputable Reasons Why Chandler Was THE Best Friend

We could all start a whole discussion about who is the best character from Friends, but it would be futile since we basically love the one we identify with the most. We could also talk about how the series doesn’t really match our current perception of the world or even how some jokes or situations would be considered extremely offensive today, but that would make no sense. Instead, there’s a subject there’s no reason to argue about, and that is that our beloved Mr. Chandler Bing is definitely THE best friend in that loving circle.

Not only is Chandler the one character who has the most interesting personal and emotional growth (some of them even go back as the series progresses), but he’s also the most realistic and grounded one, which, naturally, makes him more relatable despite our personalities and preferences. So, let’s go through these indisputable reasons why Chandler is and always will be the ultimate friend of the entire series.


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He paid for Joey’s career until he became successful

Not only is he always there for him, literally, but he even paid for his expenses, no matter how useless they might seem (remember the dialect lessons that instead of making him sound Southern made Joey speak like a Jamaican?).

He’s always there to help

You only have to watch a few episodes to notice that whenever someone needs anything, he’s always willing to help. I mean, who was the one who came to help Ross move his couch? PIVOT!

He tells it like it is

It might be hard sometimes, but having a blunt friend can also be a blessing. I mean, who better than the people you love to tell you when you’ve screwed up! Chandler is definitely that person who will always make you see your mistakes in a funny way.

He doesn't take himself too seriously

As he says in the Halloween party episode, you can’t be embarrassed when “you’ve maxed out.” Though it might not seem like it, that is a gift: nothing can stop you from doing whatever you want when you’re not afraid of being embarrassed!

He learns how to deal with his emotions and be more open

At the beginning of the series, we see Chandler as this emotionally unavailable guy who hides behind his sarcastic jokes. However, as the series progresses, we see him opening up more thanks to the love he feels for Monica.


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He always has a joke ready to make you feel better

What would life be like without humor? We need jokes to get through life, and Chandler definitely knows how to deliver. I mean, besides Monica’s co-worker, he is the funniest guy ever.

He’s always down for even the most random plan

Do you have something crazy in mind? No problem. Chandler is the kind of guy who will always join you, no matter how stupid or random it might seem. Of course, the price you’ll pay is him letting you know how stupid or random your plan is, but it’s a price I’m willing to pay for some time with the Chan-Chan Man.

He’s the best boyfriend and (later on) husband

Everybody gets all excited with the Ross/Rachel relationship, when actually, Chandler and Monica’s is the one we should be aspiring to. I mean, Chandler taking dance lessons not to embarrass Monica at the wedding is really sweet.

He understands everyone’s flaws and still loves them

Chandler is a surprisingly aware character, and for that reason, he’s capable of understanding and seeing everyone else's flaws as well. Of course, as we said before, he’s also the bluntest of the group, so he won’t hesitate to let you know about them or even remind you of past mistakes because those are the things that make you who you are and the reason why he loves you.

He can be awkwardly adorable

Besides Phoebe, Chandler is definitely one of the most awkward characters of the series, but in a good way. While Phoebe can be too much and a bit unrealistic, Chandler is that kind of socially awkward we can all relate to. But no matter how awkward he might be, at the end of the day, he’s the guy that will make a joke to try to make things better.

Could he be any more awesome? As Judith Geller tells him in "The One Where Ross Got High," "Chandler! You’ve been Ross’s best friend all these years, stuck by him during the drug problems. And now you’ve taken on Monica as well. Well, I don’t know what to say. You’re a wonderful human being."

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