Salma Hayek Debuts In Netflix With ‘Monarca,’ A Story Of Corruption And Treason

Over the last few months, Salma Hayek had been promoting a new tequila of her own creation: Herederos. It promised to be a traditional yet new concept that had everybody waiting anxiously. But now, sadly, it has been revealed that we all failed to see a very important detail in the ads: the small print on each video and promotional image that read “Tequila Herederos es un producto de la imaginación de Salma Hayek” (Tequila Herederos is a product of Salma Hayek’s imagination). So, unfortunately, there is no tequila, but the good news is that the ads were promoting Hayek's debut on Netflix: Monarca: El sabor de la traición.


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Produced by Hayek herself, the series will tell the story of the Carranza family, one of the wealthiest in the country. Their business, as you can probably guess, is tequila production and exportation. Generation upon generation, the Carranza's have built an empire based on corruption, and problems will arise when one of its members attempts to end it all.

Starring Irene Azuela, Osvaldo Benavides, and Rosa María Bianchi, the series will be released on September 13, 2019. However, this isn’t the first time Hayek is going behind the screen to produce; so far, she’s made amazing hits, like Ugly Bettyand even the Academy-Award-worthy Frida. But this is the very first time she’s working with a streaming company, and based on the original productions Netflix has released, Monarcasounds really promising.

As Salma Hayek herself warns, “abusing this product may cause an addiction to drama.“

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