Watch The Latest "Joker" Trailer, Featuring A Sinister Joaquin Phoenix

We were already pretty psyched about the poster and the teaser, but the trailer truly has surpassed all expectations.

We all know the story behind The Joker's dark past, a character so sinister and dark that it led actor Heath Ledgerto become addicted to prescription meds, an addiction that eventually resulted in his death. That's one of the reasons why this new film, with Joaquin Phoenix playing The Joker as the main character, has caused so much anticipation. It's an extremely difficult role to play, not only because of the long history in comics and movies, but because of how dark the character itself is. But the trailer seems to promise a revolution in the interpretation of this legend: we will see a completely different side of this great super villain.

One of the revelations is the extremely twisted nature of The Joker, even more than we had ever seen. The whole movie seems to be packed with extremely creepy moments, such as the main character running from who knows what looking unhinged. Todd Philips, the director, has said the main motif of the movie will be a tragedy.

But that's pretty much all he has said, and thus the trailer reveals just enough to make our skin crawl. One thing seems to be clear after watching the trailer, though: we will finally be able to find out the true origins of so much evil. In Phillips' words: "this is a man who thought his life was a tragedy, and he made the choice to make it into a comedy."

This is an independent movie, and because of this, the director was able to take plenty of creative license while building the character and the story, but it looks that it will not disappoint the fans of the comic -or the fans of the Joker.

Joaquin Phoenix's acting looks superb and this could very well become his most iconic role ever.

The internet is abuzz with theories about what could possibly happen in the film, and critics and commentators all over the world can't stop speculating about the story, but all will be revealed in October. We just hope it doesn't turn out to be a flop.

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